He slumped on his back, his hands clasped
behind his head, gaze fixed on the low plastered ceiling. The brazier flickered
red ashes, but the coals had crumbled and the room was reeking with a damp
The bedchamber was small, and having been
accustomed to space, windows which looked out across massive swathes of lush
green and a hundred trees on the horizon, now John felt a sense of discomfort
and suffocation.
John Wilmot, now the second Earl of Rochester,
had once been a boy of emotional excess. Since his mother had followed the
country’s obligatory puritanism, his upbringing had been strictly unemotional,
and his yearnings had been secret, locked away tight and dark in the back of
his head, and the pounding heartbeat of his unspoken excitement. But he knew
his father’s story, and how that wild and heroic gentleman had been awarded an
earldom for helping to rescue the king’s son when that king himself faced
The adoration for this glorious paternal
example had faded into bitter disappointment, even misery, when the child who
dreamed of his father, discovered that his father not only did not dream of his
son, but had no wish whatsoever to meet him. Indeed, appalled by the thought of
a rigid puritan wife and a needy little boy, the first earl had bolted.
So no father. Instead young John Wilmot, easily
passing any examination thrown at him, and devouring all literary delights
offered, sailed off on every young gentleman’s great adventure, the Grand Tour
across the Narrow Sea to Europe and the proverbial licence those countries
offered. Accompanied by his tutor, John learned a considerable amount
concerning’s subjects not taught in schools. Exams were not set, but had they
been, he would certainly have passed them all even more easily than he had
floated through university.
But once home, every man’s curse: Love, had
spoiled the joy of freedom.

John watched the shadows creep in over the
walls of his cell, and he closed his eyes. The four poster bed and its
elaborate tester kept the spiders and rat droppings away from his sheets, his
pillows, and his face. But it did not keep away the dreams.
A king was back on the throne. Charles II, the
young man John’s father had once helped escape the country and its civil war,
had been welcomed by a clamouring and
cheering population which had utterly tired of puritanism’s restrictions. Music
returned to the church, the glory of stained glass windows and magnificent
religious paintings, dancing at court, choirs and feasts, the temptations of alcohol
and the joys of love-making. Once again the church returned to protestant
tolerance, accepting licentious freedom but keeping its hatred and fear of
But it was not the new king’s wide smile that
floated in John Wilmot’s dreams. It was Elizabeth Malet.
She was beautiful, but he had seen prettier.
She was intelligent, but he’d met others just as clever. It was something else
he had fallen in love with. It was what made her smile, and what made her
laugh. It was how she moved, turned, and lifted her fan. It was her wit, the
way she answered his shy introductions, the twist of her tiny ankle, her blush
when complimented, and the flutter of her gaze before she quickly turned away.
He had touched her hand as she removed one glove, and her skin had been so soft
and so warm, it had made him tingle from his eyebrows to his toes. He had
thought about nothing else for a month. Finally he had made an appointment with
her guardians, and requested permission to court her. The immediate response
had been so rude and so brusque, that he had left abruptly while swallowing
back his raging disappointment.
But it had not been a great surprise. He was no
catch. Indeed, he was barely eligible. The title was not an ancient one, and
carried virtually no land nor property with it. Certainly there was no family
wealth and he remained impoverished. Elizabeth Malet was an heiress and a
hundred times more eligible than himself.
However, well aware that the lady had directly
denied the approaches and requests for marriage from many far more eligible
gentlemen, John had, of course, continued to approach her. He saw her often at
court, at the balls and fetes, small private card parties and court affairs. He
told her what he felt, and she laughed at him, telling him that no doubt he
adored the chase. The catch would no doubt cool his ardour. He denied such
shallow and fallible emotions.
“Well then, my lord,” she had answered. “Prove
yourself and your emotions.”
“As you know, my delightful and desirable Lady
Elizabeth, your guardians, without exception, consider me a gold-digging and
insignificant pawn. They have denied me.”
“And you’re so timid, you accept this?” she had
teased him. “No ardent gallop to Gretna Green, then? No proof of your feelings,
nor courage in the proving?”
Her challenge had been clear enough.
He remembered her words. They flitted through
his head like the small black rats in the gutters.
So, naturally, he had obeyed what he took as her
command. He had arranged the coach and the horses, an expense he could barely
afford. He had also arranged two female chaperones to keep her company and save
her reputation. And he had abducted the woman he loved.
Yet he had only proved himself a fool after
all. He had been discovered, stopped, and arrested while dearest Elizabeth had
been returned immediately to her furious guardians, and been forced to deny her
own involvement.
“Off to the Tower,” the king had roared.
And here he was.
Seventeen years of age, tall, handsome and
highly intelligent – well, he was not such a fool that he did not know who and
what he was – he now considered all future hopes of happiness gone. Lying in
the Tower cell, he began to ponder the alternatives and decided that since
death was no worse a threat than a loveless future, he might as well go to war,
The Dutch wars were declared and not yet won. John saw no obstacle remaining.
Yet there were many different ways to die. A
terrible curse was sweeping the country, the king had upended his court and
fled to the country. Two of the guards at the Tower had caught this black
plague and had died within the week. John had heard the second. The massive
stone walls of the tower, many inches thick and then plastered, painted, and
hung with tapestries, had not been strong enough to keep out the terrible
suffering of the dying man outside. He had fallen with a thud like a stag shot
during the hunt, and his poor head had crashed against the door. Lying there,
he had coughed and choked, probably on his own blood. The curse of the plague
had been growing even before his arrest and John knew the horror of it. Only
the French Disease, which infected harlots and then their customers, could be
equal. But John thought that nothing could match the ravages of the plague.
It ate the body it inhabited from the inside
out, turning heart, bowels and liver to bloody pus. Men, women and children
died in days, blood oozing from their noses, eyes and mouths. A rash of boils
and rotting flesh covered the body.
John turned his head to the pillow and forced
his mind to think of other things. Truly the Tower cell was no cell, but a
comfortable, although cramped pair of rooms where his servants could help dress
him, bring him heated water and towels for washing, and supply him with food
and wine, which he naturally paid for. But he was not free, and that was the
king’s command. He wished desperately to be free once more, to follow his own
intentions and speak as he wished. So he wrote to the king.
Not yet knowing the king as well as he might,
John wrote with words of extreme flattery, begging for permission to leave the
imprisonment and join the ships now preparing to sail off to the Dutch wars. He
could not declare that his improper actions in abducting the woman he loved
were actually committed at the lady’s own instigation, but he hoped that the
king would have enough understanding to guess.
Something tumbled from above onto the top of
his tester, the tessellated velvet over his head which was attached to the top
of all four posts. John wondered what had fallen. Too heavy for a spider, a
dead mouse perhaps, or falling chunks of plaster. The Tower was old. Anything
might fall. The Tower’s great royal apartments had recently been redecorated,
but the tiny rooms used for the incarceration of titled gentlemen had never
been thought worthy of more than a cursory flick of the broom and duster.
And so John returned to his scribing. A letter
to the king must be properly addressed and signed with humble appreciation. But John knew exactly what to do. One day, he
thought, he would write of other things. Love and play-acting on stage, matters
of wit and laughter, beauty and contempt. His heart overflowed with poetry. He
saw his future self, if not killed at sea, as a man of wit and pleasure, friend
of the king and court, beloved by many women including his beautiful wife. He
sew himself writing poetry and drama of many kinds, which would be performed on
stage as he sat in the royal box with his majesty, clapping the talents of the
cast. They had started permitting female actresses, and the parts of women were
no longer being forcefully acted by boys and young men. Indeed, most of such
actresses also worked in the local brothels, but since the king enjoyed such
places, why could he not himself?
Yet for now, after almost three weeks in the
Tower, with all his heart and soul John Wilmot, second Earl of Rochester, simply
wanted to break free.
© Barbara Gaskell Denvil
about the author

I was born approximately two hundred years ago (It sometimes feels that way) in Gloucestershire, England, right in the heart of the Cotswolds. After a few years I moved to London and fell in love with the history which oozes through the old stones, and the medieval atmosphere leaks from the beautiful old buildings. For many years, I walked the old cobbled lanes and researched the 15th century from original sources, and the books in the British Museum. I worked there in the Department of Ancient Documents, a place which I adored, full of scrolls illuminated by medieval monks, and hordes of informative parchments.
Already a passionate reader half crazed by the avid consumption of literature, I had grown out of Enid Blyton when I was about six. Next came a passion for Georgette Heyer, although far too young to understand romance. Once again it was the historical details I loved and I moved quickly onto Shakespeare, Dorothy Dunnett, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and a host of others.
I started writing. Nonsense naturally! But I kept it up and eventually write articles and short stories for current magazines and newspapers. I was also a tutor for scriptwriting, and a reviewer for Books and Bookmen.
When my partner died I deciding to come to Australia for a change instead of sitting around in stagnant tears. Writing again, and seriously this time, I wrote full length books in all my favourite genres. I was accepted by one of the big top 5 publishers, and two of my historical crime/mysteries were published in the traditional manner. However, although I was reasonably well paid and sold reasonably well, I also found myself disliking the control system. I had to write as commanded, insert bucket loads more romance, accept covers I hated, and generally do as I was told.
Now, happy and free, I self-publish, and enjoy every minute of my writing. I live in Australia, adore the weather, the birds and the wildlife, and live a placid life during the day and a wonderfully exciting one in my dreams at night.
Writing is and always has been my passion, now that I am able to do this full time, I am in my element and life couldn’t be better (a little more sunshine might help though).
Amazon US
Note: There is copyright legislation for song lyrics but no copyright in names, titles or ideas
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Oh, Barbara! This made me yearn to re-read all your fab books again! Especially, those books that only I have seen but love so much (you know which) Lovely story. And that John Wilmot...what a man, hey? Even as an adolescent.
ReplyDeleteI was really touched by your comment Anna, thanks so very much. Oh - and Jack is about to make an unexpected appearance after Christmas. I find John Wilmot so interesting and one day I really should i8nvent a Tardis. Cheers!
DeleteI was completely sucked in, Barbara. I totally forgot that I was trying to guess a song title! Wonderful!
ReplyDeleteHow immensely kind, Richard - I really appreciate such lovely words, and I admire your own work so much too.
DeleteGreat story. And the song! What a surprising and perfect match for Rochester.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way of putting it - yes indeed - I often feel that Freddie Mercury and Rochester had more in common than either of them would ever have accepted - and Rochester spent his whole life wanting to break free! Thanks so much for your comment
DeleteBrilliant! Oh John...I so often think of him as the excessive Glam Rock Star of his time. Perfect story, perfect song, perfect video. Love it!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree - and thanks so very much for putting it so well. Cheers
DeleteI've like John Wilmot since I read a novel about him when I was a teenager, and I still remember snippets of his poetry from that book. If only I could remember the title... This story has brought it all back. Marvellous.
ReplyDeleteI'm delighted, thanks so much. There are several books about this fabulous character on Amazon - put in a search just for his name and they'll come up. Thanks so much for your lovely comment
DeleteYou have such a way with words, Barbara, and this is a little gem. Love the music too.
ReplyDeleteThanks a million for that, Kathryn - much appreciated from someone whose books I enjoy so much
DeleteSure hope John Wilmot breaks free soonn to sow his charms where they are appreciated. (Funniest video I've watched in a long time.)
ReplyDeleteWhen I discover how to time travel, I shall introduce John to Freddie - yes, great video - thanks so much
DeleteI confess I was never much of a Queen fan - but we have a couple of their songs in this 'Inspired By A Song' series, and listening again (and finding pictures and reading the stories) I've realised what I've missed. What a fantastic voice Freddie had!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely comment. Yes, I believe his voice was stunning, and his musical arrangements were outstanding - Brian May is still one of the best guitarists around. I'm flattered to have helped one conversion!
DeleteVery enjoyable story. I'm an ignoramus for most of British history, I'm afraid, but this story got me interested. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate that comment, thanks so much. Wilmot lived at the same time as the departure of the very first pilgrim ship to America - but he was one of the characters that rebelled against puritanism. Thanks so much for your comment
DeleteLove the song choice, Barbara. Beautiful writing. I don't know John W., but you have brought him to life in this piece.
ReplyDeleteKind and encouraging words, Char - thanks so very much.
DeleteI had written a similar Literary Fiction novel and used usabookreviewers.com to help me with reviews and ebook promotion. Surely recommended for Indie authors though a bit pricey..
ReplyDeleteDora, I'm not quite sure why you've left your message here - but if you are enquiring about submitting your novel please use the contact form which you'll find top-left on the sidebar or email me on: author[AT]helenhollick[DOT]net. Discovering Diamonds does not charge a fee for reviews, but we do require correctly formatted e-files.