Friday, 17 May 2019

A Discovering Diamonds review of Children of the Chieftain: Bound for Home by Michael E Wills

Children of the Chieftain: Bound for Home

"This has been an absorbing series, packed with action and adventure. Ideal for young adults"


Fictional Saga / Young Adult


"After three years in the service of the emperor of the Greeks, Ahl and his Viking friends have become very rich. Now the crew longs to return home with their wealth, their problem is that the emperor will not permit them to leave. They make a daring plan to escape. The route home is perilous as they navigate uncharted seas. They must overcome robbers, storms and hostile strangers as they seek their way back to the Northlands with the riches which they have earned."

Continuing the saga of this most enjoyable series written for young adults. 

The Varangian Vikings have served the Greek Emperor for more than three years, and now it is time to go home. But it is not as simple as that. They must risk great danger to break free of their masters, a danger that is worth facing with the reward of home at the end of it - if they can survive and get as far as that reward in one piece!

This has been an absorbing series, packed with action and adventure. Ideal for young adults, for the author does not use too much detailed information which could slow the story down. His characters are realistic and engaging and the plot is well set with just enough description to bring the story alive without impeding a younger reader's attention span. There is enough to interest a reluctant young reader, more than enough to absorb an avid older reader. 

Although perhaps best read in sequence, this is not necessary as the book is sufficient of a stand-alone to be read with enjoyment.

Especially suitable for the intended readership of a younger audience (10 - 13-year-old).

@Ellen Hill

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