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Adventure /Arthurian
7th Century AD
The song sayer of the title is the blind Morgose but this tale set in the Dark Age of post Roman Britain is narrated by Merriden, a friend and mentor of the young war lord, Ambros Skyhound.
Although I had to concentrate at the beginning, do persevere because this is a magnificent novel covering ambitions to unite the country under one king, ravages of plague, longer winters and the struggle for supremacy between the old faiths and gods and the new Christians.
I found each page to be a tapestry of absorbing description, believable characters and dialogue that gives what you would expect from those times. In other words, whenever you pick this book up you are immediately taken back to a period well over a thousand years ago.
The author's notes show exactly the depth of research that went into the writing of this book and David Ebsworth has employed that research perfectly. Whether or not the Dark Ages are your thing, I thoroughly recommend this excellentnovel.
David Ebsworth is a superb writer. This is his fifth novel, and every one is very different to the previous in style, pace, period and feel. That takes talent.
David Ebsworth is a superb writer. This is his fifth novel, and every one is very different to the previous in style, pace, period and feel. That takes talent.
©Richard Tearle
Looking forward to reading more of this amazing author.