Friday 10 June 2022

Juhi Ray: From Diamond to Platinum - Celebrating Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee

To celebrate Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Discovering Diamonds is hosting a series of excerpts or articles written by our wonderful review team. For our author reviewers: the theme is an excerpt from one of their novels portraying royalty - or an equivalent leader-type character. For our non-writer reviewers: a favourite monarch and/or novel about Royalty... In other words, an enjoyable mix of entertainment to acknowledge Queen Elizabeth II's longest reign in British history! 70 years! 

God Bless you Ma'am. 

(say ma'am to rhyme with 'jam' not 'farm')

The Final Puzzle by Juhi Ray

"Set in 16th century Hindustan (the modern-day Indian subcontinent), Emperor Akbar discovers an incomplete astrological chart. It may hold a secret that could threaten his life and the Empire. He assigns the sensitive task of uncovering the chart's mystery to his brilliant adviser, Mahesh Das. This journey takes Mahesh to the heartland of Hindustan. Mahesh however, was not expecting to fall in love. He is torn between his heart and his loyalty. Why did Emperor Akbar bestow the title of Raja Birbal on Mahesh Das? His closeness to the Emperor and meteoric rise spark jealous enemies to target him.Amid the backdrop of religious tensions in the Empire, Akbar moves forward to promote religious tolerance and root out corruption. Rebellions against Akbar and personal attacks against Raja Birbal become more common. After multiple attempts on Birbal's life, his enemies believe they are successful. In 1586, while battling the hilly tribes of the Northwest frontier, Raja Birbal is declared dead. But his body was never found. What really happened?"


The pleasing sounds of wind chimes jolted Padshah Akbar, Emperor of Hindustan, back to his camouflage efforts. It was getting late, and he was preparing to leave the palace in disguise. Akbar turned his face from side to side, squinting at it in the mirror. With a pencil, he skillfully applied more dark brown lines over the furrows on his forehead and nose, adding three decades to his twenty-eight-year-old face. Akbar could not help but admire his handiwork. Not many Emperors have these skills, he thought, smiling. The radiance of my face, which often gives me away, is well-concealed now. The Emperor strode past his bodyguards, signaling them to stay in place as he vanished into the adjacent room and through a trap door. Ten minutes later, he emerged at a secluded quay by the river. Akbar’s destination was a village north of Agra, less than half an hour’s walk at his usual pace. But today his gait was halting and unsettled, much like his thoughts. 

Earlier that evening, Akbar had received an unexpected visitor--his mother. And before she left, he knew another phase of his reign was about to begin.

About the Author

I live in the Pacific Northwest of the US although I grew up in Kerala, India. I am an oncologist by profession. When not working or writing, I spend time with my daughter cooking or exploring new hiking trails.  


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