Friday 22 June 2018

One Last Dance by Judith Lennox

Shortlisted for book of the month


Family Drama

One Last Dance is a family saga set between 1917 and 1974. This novel has a broad cast of characters and viewpoints and yet the author makes us care about all of them and engage with their hopes and dreams - and feel for their disasters. There is love and betrayal set around a great house in Cornwall - a sort of Mandalay for those familiar with the novel Rebecca - and it sweeps you along at a terrific pace through the first and second world wars and then through the austere fifties and swinging sixties,  yet manages to hold your attention all along.

Shy Esme is forced to compete with her beautiful sister Camilla until Camilla rejects Devlin, the handsome owner of Rosindell. Esme has secretly been in love with Devlin for years and so accepts the bargain in the hope of winning his heart. But Camilla plays games and in one of many plot twists Camilla challenges Esme's marriage with consequences for the next two generations. There are twists and turns, there are moments of heartbreak. It's astonishing an author can lead us through so much history and yet hold our attention. Could barely reach for another chocolate as I read on and on...

© Jeffrey Manton

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