Monday, 4 September 2017

Fatal Rivalry by Mercedes Rochelle

Amazon UK £3.18 £10.55
Amazon US $4.05 $12.95
Amazon CA $17.50

Military / saga / Biographical

The final book in the author's series about the Godwine family is certainly not one to be missed.

Four brothers and a sister tell their tales of the last two years leading up to the events that changed the course of English history. The leading 'diarists' are, necessarily, Harold and Tostig. Both of them give their side of the story of just how they came to fall out and become deadly enemies and why that enmity degraded into war between them. Neither side is given preference by the author: faults and graces are donated to both in equal measure.

Mercedes Rochelle is an established author and her writing underlines her status: one moment you understand Tostig and his motives, the next you sympathise with Harold, and this makes for an interesting conflict – such is the skill of this well-crafted narrative.

Any reader who is not used to this style of writing might find the constant 'head hopping' off-putting, especially in the first chapter. But you soon get used to it and once you have overcome that small problem, I found this book difficult to put down.

And it made me think: if this rivalry could have been ended prior to and in a different way than actually happened, Hastings might have had a different result.

Very Highly recommended

© Richard Tearle

(shortlisted for DDRevs September Book of the Month.)

(Some e-book readers may find errors in formatting)

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